All employees working in Australia are entitled to a minimum wage. This is the lowest amount an employee can be paid for the work that they’re doing. The minimum wage refers to the amount of pay before tax is taken out (gross pay). For information about tax, including PAYG withholding, visit the Australian Taxation Office .


If it doesn't, employees must be paid at least monthly. Employees need to be paid money for their work - they cannot be 'paid in-kind' (for example, with goods such as food). There are limited situations when an employer can: make a deduction from an employee's pay; require an employee to pay money (eg. an overpayment).

The Small Business Superannuation Clearing House is a free service you can use if you are a business with 19 or fewer employees, or have an annual aggregated turnover of less than $10 million. However, some WA awards require employees to be paid additional rates for working on Easter Saturday and for working on Sundays generally. Wageline's WA award summaries can help you to understand your Easter employment rights and obligations. National Relay Service. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, call us through the National Relay Service.

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those under 21 years of age, receive a percentage of this rate based on their age See Section 13 of the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993. Minimum pay rates for award free employees who are not apprentices or trainees - effective 1 January 2021 Guarantee: An employee returning from unpaid parental leave under the Fair Work Act is entitled to their pre-parental leave job. If the employee’s job no longer exists, the employee is entitled to an available position for which the employee is qualified and suited, nearest in status and pay to the pre-parental leave position. 2021-02-24 · Awards. Awards are documents that set out the conditions and entitlements of employment for the employees specified in the Award. Awards may bind employer and employee parties mentioned in the Award or a broad range of employers and employees based on an industry or type of work. However, this section of the FW Act makes no reference to the notice the employee is required to provide in return.

Wageline's WA award summaries can help you to understand your Easter employment rights and obligations. National Relay Service.

Employees who are typically hired for intermittent projects when students are not casual wage line item, the Department Head should reallocate funds from 

A junior is an employee under 21 years of age. Juniors get paid a percentage of the relevant adult pay rate unless the award, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement doesn't have junior rates. 2000-06-09 Wageline. 231 likes · 24 talking about this.

Wageline Victoria Employees Freeware Employees PC Monitor v.2.22 Employees PC Monitor is an application for real time network computer monitoring, and for employees' work time tracking.

Wageline's WA award summaries can help you to understand your Easter employment rights and obligations. Employee rights, entitlements and pay Hardship payment for casual workers and eligible employees with coronavirus (COVID-19) Hardship payment available for eligible Queensland casual and eligible employees who are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19. Awards apply to employees depending on the industry they work in or the job that they do. The minimum wages and conditions an employee is entitled to are set out in awards . Awards don't apply when a business has an enterprise agreement or other registered agreement in place and the employee is covered by it. Generally, if you pay an employee $450 or more before tax in a calendar month, you have to pay super on top of their wages.

Wageline for employees

Learn about pay obligations, including minimum wages, pay slip and record-keeping requirements and the rules regarding unpaid work. Employee entitlements. There are rules about what employees get at work, such as what hours they work and how often they have to have a break. These rules can be set out in different places such as an award, registered agreement or an employment contract. I'm an employee looking for pay rates. I'm an employer or business looking for pay rates.
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WA awards are legal documents that outline legal pay rates, allowances, working hours, and leave entitlements for employees in a particular industry or type of work. If you are unsure if a WA award applies to you or your business, visit the WA awards for common jobs page or contact Wageline to assist in determining likely WA award coverage. A listing of WA award summaries applicable to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system.

We have Employee rights, entitlements and pay Hardship payment for casual workers and eligible employees with coronavirus (COVID-19) Hardship payment available for eligible Queensland casual and eligible employees who are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19.
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In Queensland, an employment claim up to $150,000 can be made in the Magistrates Court using a simplified procedure if the employee earns less than the high 

Workplace Relations Consultant offering expertise on Employment Contracts, The Wageline call centre will reopen on Monday 8 February 2021.