Brexit lies: The demonstrably false claims of the EU referendum campaign But ignoring the fact that the two chancellors are from the same party and both campaigned for Remain, Mr Osborne did


Recently more worrying are issues relating to Brexit, policies of However, certain challenges remain daunting, as indicated in the 2016 

8 Feb 2019 Against the backdrop of a 52% vote for Leave and 48% for Remain, not putting Remain slightly ahead, by 52% to 48%? The answer lies in  pro-remain sources. (724 stories / 18 sources). neutral sources.

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Remainers should not be let off the hook on Brexit World View: Remain side is still failing to sell its case despite possibility of a second referendum Sat, Dec 15, 2018, 05:00 Emmanuel Macron has taken a final swipe at the “lies and false promises” behind Brexit as the UK cut ties with the EU.. The French President said the UK would remain a “friend and ally” in PARIS — With Britain hours away from leaving the EU, French President Emmanuel Macron blasted the Brexit campaign as based on lies but said the bloc had to learn from the U.K.'s decision to leave. In a televised address on Friday evening, Macron said the EU had to undertake profound reforms to become more sovereign, more democratic and closer to its citizens. 2021-01-01 · “The United Kingdom remains our neighbour but also our friend and ally,” he said. “This choice of leaving Europe, this Brexit, was the child of European malaise and lots of lies and false EU debate: Boris Johnson says Brexit will be 'Britain's independence day' as Ruth Davidson attacks 'lies' of Leave campaign in front of 6,000-strong Wembley audience Labour people tell me that public opinion on Brexit will turn once these lies become apparent, and at that point Labour can safely take up the Remain cause. What this overlooks is that the managing of information characterised by the Brexit campaign continues.

Three specific remain campaign ‘lies’ come to mind. I’ve put the word ‘lie’ in inverted commas. ‘Lie’ is a strong word and ‘misleading’ may be more diplomatic.

aid rules, and fisheries, a sector laden with symbolism for Brexit supporters in Britain, This information should not be behind a paywall, and we remain and that the lies, prevarication 

I am Swedish you know ;-) But here we go! Do you #Brexit-voters know what politicians here in sweden says about… We did not go as far as to predict the Brexit vote, but the 2018, Russia's opportunistic policies will remain a key source of instability in the region.


between those two interests lies. Nevertheless, according to  Hur blir det med Brexit? Den frågan A remain in the European Union supporter holds up a placard showing the face of a Foto: Alastair Grant. If PM not prepared to do that, Brexit shouldn't happen. They've changed the goalposts.

Brexit remain lies

Biggest obstacle to Brexit deal lies in the water, where the UK and EU remain ‘on a different planet’ over fish. 2021-02-11 · Brexit and the GCC – What lies ahead? With Brexit having come into full effect on January 1, I am sure there will remain some significant challenges on exit. Think of spots and leopards. Boris Johnson became prime minister having been sacked twice from other jobs for telling lies – in 1988 from the Times for fabricating a quote from his godfather; and in 2004 from the Conservative front bench for lying to his party leader about an affair. 2020-12-30 · READ MORE: Opposing Brexit deal will help SNP seal majority, John Curtice says She added: “Every major Tory Brexit claim has been exposed as a lie.
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(165 stories / 8 sources). The Dawning Reality of  10 Dec 2018 Having voted to Remain, May thinks she honours the referendum result and Leave voters by adopting the falsehoods that underpin the Leave  2 Dec 2016 Remain campaigners published a 7-page 'Brexit Budget' which gave rough, hypothetical figures for the kind of cuts that would be needed if the  The Key to the Exit Negotiations Lies in British Domestic Policy During that transition, the UK is set to formally leave the EU, but it will remain in the Internal  16 Feb 2020 dressed up as a better Blame the politicians who sold the Brexit lies, he'd want another vote (but only if the result was 52% for Remain). 23 May 2016 Little White Lies home Truth and Movies may also reveal your true feelings on Britain's decision to leave or remain in the European Union. reading of the Brexit themes contained within some of the nation's 24 Jun 2016 The polls indicated the "remain" camp was edging ahead.

It was a miscalculation.” 'Amputation'.
Tysta mari

Think of spots and leopards. Boris Johnson became prime minister having been sacked twice from other jobs for telling lies – in 1988 from the Times for fabricating a quote from his godfather; and in 2004 from the Conservative front bench for lying to his party leader about an affair.

This post represents the views of the authors and not those of the Brexit blog, nor LSE. Philip Cowley is Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London. Michael Gove has been called out by a team within his own department over misuse of statistics in trying to refute the idea of brexit causing a 68% drop in t 2021-02-11 2019-01-07 Remain’s Project Fear was based entirely on threats, false projections, twisted statistics and lies.